
Showing posts from February, 2016

Nutrition Tips for women

Focus on whole,Plant-based foods.Fill most of your plate with fruit and leafy green vegetables. Bone up your calcium.Women are at a greater risk than men of developing osteoporosis,so it's important to get plenty of calcium to support your bone health.Make sure you get enough iron in their diet.On top of that,women lose a lot of this important mineral during menstruation. Boost your intake by eating iron-rich foods such as lean red meat,dark poultry,lentils,spinach, almonds,and iron-fortified cereals. Eat breakfast.Get your metabolism going in the morning by eating a healthy breakfast. Eat regularly.Going too long between meals can make you feel irritable and tired,so aim to eat something at least every three to four hours. Focus on complex carbohydrates.Foods such as baked potatoes,Whole-wheat pasta,Brown rice,

Nutrition Tips For Children

Plan,shop and cook healthy meals together,and avoid turning on the television during meal times. Encourage the whole family to eat breakfast.Get your Children involved in preparation and packing of healthy school lunches.Make sure you keep healthy snacks in pantry.Choose water and milk as drinks most of the time.Avoid sweetened drinks such as cordial,soft drinks and fruit juice. Prepare and store your food safely.Encourage your child to choose healthy foods.Use positive terms to refer to healthy food,for example,"I love eating crunchy green beans". Set a good example as parents.Avoid bribing your child with food.

General Nutrition Tips

Have Breakfast each day.People who have breakfast are less inclined to indulge later in the day. Breakfast additionally gives you vitality and helps you think and learn. Utilize fats and oils sparingly.Olive,canola,and shelled nut oils,avocados,nuts and nut butters,olives,and angle give heart sound fat and additionally vitamins and minerals. Comprehend Nourishment Cases and labels.A item named with a sans fat claim does not imply that it is low in calories.Similarly an item marked as low-sugar or low-curb does not mean it is in fat or calories.Always read the sustenance name on the bundling. Stick the entire wheat.Whole wheat is quite for you.It offers more fiber,which lessens the danger of heart disease,stroke,cancer,diverticulosis,diabetes to give some examples.

Head Ache

Lavender oil is a useful home remedy for headaches and migraines.The oil can be either inhaled or applied on your head.For inhaling,add 2-4 drops of lavender oil to 3 cups of boiling water and inhale the oil vapors Basil is a strong-scented herb used for natural headache treatment.The oil works as a muscle relaxant and is helpful for headaches caused by tension and  tight muscles. Food items like chocolate,sour cream,nuts,peanut butter and caffeinated beverages like coffee,tea or cola,can trigger headaches.Avoid them if they give you a headache. Make sure that your kid is getting enough sleep as sleeping often resolves headache in children. Eat small regular meals and make sure that you are eating healthy organic food throughout the day. This will keep your blood sugar on an even level,which can prevent headaches.

Cough and Cold

Juice of a big red onion + 1 tsp honey.Drink small doses frequently.Avoid  large doses. Amla is strong  protects from the onset of many diseases if taken regularly.It ensures the proper functioning of the liver and improves blood circulation. Add tulsi,ginger and black pepper while preparing your tea.These three ingredients play an important role in fighting a common cold and cough. Take 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder with 1 teaspoon of honey.Black pepper can also be add Chewing a piece of fresh ginger with a little salt on it will ease cough. Half  a cup of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey can be taken several times a day.


Bananas:Are high in potassium which is an alkalizing mineral that has a high pH value.The higher the pH value,the lower the acidity,which is bananas why the banana is formidable antidote acidity.They also have a component that makes the stomach lining produce more mucous.This mucous protects the inner lining of the stomach,reducing the damage caused due to acidity. Tulsi:Has compounds that make it an effective digestive agent.It stimulates the stomach to produce more mucous and has potent anti-ulcer properties.It also reduces the effect of peptic acids in the stomach thereby preventing excessive acidity. Milk:Milk has a high amount of calcium that helps it prevent acid build up and absorbs the excess acid glass of milk produced thereby reducing the symptoms and the fact it is cold provides instant relief from the burning sensation one feels during acid reflux.

Summer Health Tips

When outdoors,wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of ultraviolet A and B rays.Sunglasses can help prevent cataracts,as well as wrinkles around the eyes. Stay cool and hydrated.Drink water,at least two to four cups(16-32 ounces) upon rising,and similar amount if you are going out for activities and exercise.Carry water with you in a hard plastic may also use a traveling water filter. Enjoy Nature's bounty-fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables at their organic best.consuming foods that are cooling and light-fresh fruits,vegetables juices,raw vital salads,and lots of water-will nourish your body for summertime activities.Include some protein with one or two meals.There are a number of light,nourishing proteins that don't require cooking.


Positive thinking:Do not harp on disappointments and reward yourself for your successes.Accept That everybody has restrains and can't prevail at everything.Reflect on what you have accomplished. Look for support from others:Do not attempt to duplicate with issues alone.Having somebody to share your issues can enormously 'off load' the stress .you may think that its valuable to converse with a companion or work colleague,or converse with your line chief or boss on the off chance that you are encountering stress in the work put.

Tips For IT Professionals

Drink water-drink plenty of water.It helps reduce puffiness.When a person is dehydrated,especially in an air-conditioned office the body starts storing water as a defense mechanism.This adds to puffiness around the eyes. Splash water on your face-During breaks,splash water on your face with eyes open.This has an overall relaxing effect and helps you feel refreshed. Use tea bags-keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator before you leave for work.once you are home,place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes as you relax.this not only soothes tired eyes,but also reduce puffiness. Keep the screen brightness the same or brighter than the brightness of other objects in the room. After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen,turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away.This changes the focal length of your eye,a must-do for the tired eye.Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession,to moist it. Make sure you move your hands,leg

Healthy Heart Tips

Avoid smoking smoking reduce life expectancy by 15-25 years.If you are a smoker,you are twice more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker.The moment you stop smoking,the risk of heart attack begins to reduce. Cut down on salt-Too much salt can cause high blood pressure,which increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease.Watch your diet-Try to have a balanced diet.Eat fresh fruits and vegetables,starch foods such as wholegrain bread and rice. Monitor your alcohol-too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle,increase blood pressure and also lead to weight gain.Avoid intake of alcohol or at least limit it to one to two units a day,gradually decreasing the consumption Get active-At least aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day.Keeping yourself fit not only benefits the heart but also improves mental health and well-being.Monitor your BP,blood sugar and cholesterol levels-Routine medical check-ups will ring an alarm,if you need medical help.Manage your stress

Tips For Diabets Patients

Cook with olive oil instead of butter or vegetable oil.Trim any visible fat off of meat before cooking and remove the skin before cooking chicken and Turkey Instead of frying,choose to grill,broil,bake,or stir-fry.Add avocado to your sandwiches instead of cheese.This will keep the creamy texture,but improve the health factor. Regular exercise can help your body respond to insulin and is known to be effective in managing blood glucose.Exercise can lower blood glucose and possibly reduce the amount of medication you need to treat diabetes,or even eliminate the need for medication. You must avoid sugar at all costs.The serving size and the type of carbohydrates you eat are especially important.Focus on whole grain carbs since they are a good source of fiber and they are digested slowly,keeping blood sugar levels more even.Fire foods have a high Gi,and are low in fiber and protein.They include "white foods"(white rice,white bread,potatoes,most baked goods),sweets,chips,and

Yoga Tips

Yoga's primary goal is peace of mind-a fit body,increased flexibility,and improved health are just fortunate side effects.Approach yoga with a sense of joy and fun.Smile at your teacher and fellow students;They could probably use a boost of good energy. Pay attention as you inhale and exhale.Being aware of the breath is a very helpful and an essential part of yoga practice;it is referred to as pranayama. However tempting may be the idea of sleeping in,try not to avoid your daily yoga time.It will help you keep warm and also prevent those regular aches and stiffness in joints.Start your day with a few rounds of surya namaskar and follow them up with some warm-up exercise. When you practice yoga at home,it is your job to make sure that you don't injury yourself.Keep your space clear of obstacles like furniture and children's toys,and if possible,do your yoga in room with hardwood floors.soft surfaces can injury joints and thick carpet makes balancing difficult. For

Healthy Exercise

Choose activities you like.A lot of different things count as exercise:dancing,walking,gardening,yoga,cycling,playing basketball. Piece your workout don't need to get all your exercise at one time.Ten minutes morning, noon,and night can give much of the same benefit as 30 minutes all at once.  Exercise with a friend.Finding a workout partner can help keep you on track and motivate you to get out the door.Walk an extra stop.During your bus or subway commute,get off a stop or two earlier and walk the rest of the way. Keep it brisk.When you walk,make it brisk,since this may help control weight better than walking at a leisurely pace.Take the stairs.use the stairs instead of elevators and escalators whenever possible. Take lunch on the move.Don't spend all of all of your lunch time sitting.Hit the gym or go for a 20-minutes walk with coworkers,and then have a meal when you are done.Consider buying a piece of cardiovascular equipment for your home,such a

Simple Health Tips

Walk for 30 Minutes daily. Eat a piece of fruit daily.Eat whole foods instead of processed foods whenever possible. Reject foods and drinks made of artificial colors or sweetener. Start each lunch/dinner with salad. Give your partner a hug every day before work. Take a deep belly breath for three to five minutes twice a day. Smell the scent of lavender to relax and sleep well. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed.Drink plenty of water. Get 10-15 minutes of sunlight and fresh air daily.   Have a greater variety of food.Variety means no excess of anything and more nutrients. Eat three different foods at every meal.Eat slowly.Never Skip breakfast.  Watch comedy and add humor to your life. Try to have seven hours of sleep at night.Have a fixed bed time,preferably at 10.00 pm. Increase your fiber intake.Surround yourself with loving and supportive people. Know that healthy food tastes great later.Drink green tea twice a day. Exercise till you sweat once