Warm-up and stretching before high-intensity workouts can really help a lot to avoid injuries. They will active your muscle tissue and keep the extra blood flow in them, allowing us to perform heavy workouts without injuries!💪💯
🍑 Personally, getting enough rest is my problem. I am always wanting to do more. This can be counterproductive. You need to make sure you're good to go when stepping into the gym. Being well-rested helps this greatly!
🍑HYDRATION! We have talked about it before, but you can never mention it enough. DRINK WATER! If you are not measuring your intake, it is likely that you are not drinking enough. Start counting how much you drink.
📚And proper workout attire, shoes, and a few other accessories can also help users to prevent injury. They can help us by providing us a convenient way of doing certain exercises and can also support better performance!👍
If you need more useful fitness tips LESS PRESSURE MORE COMFORT