Cough and Cold

Juice of a big red onion + 1 tsp honey.Drink small doses frequently.Avoid  large doses.
Amla is strong  protects from the onset of many diseases if taken regularly.It ensures the proper functioning of the liver and improves blood circulation.
Add tulsi,ginger and black pepper while preparing your tea.These three ingredients play an important role in fighting a common cold and cough.
Take 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder with 1 teaspoon of honey.Black pepper can also be add
Chewing a piece of fresh ginger with a little salt on it will ease cough.
Half  a cup of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey can be taken several times a day.
Equal quantities of powdered fenugreek seed,turmeric and ginger powder can be teaspoon can be taken in the morning and evening.

In case of a sore throat,a clove or two cardamoms or a few raisins can be chewed.
Gargling with warm salty water is also beneficial.This can be done two or three times a day.
Inhale steam to ease your congestion and drippy nose.Hold your head over a pot of boiling water and breathe through your nose.Be careful.If the steam burns your nose,breathe in more slowly.
Warm milk and turmeric mixture is a popular and effective way to fight a cough.This mixture is applicable for children and adults too.Turmeric and milk are also healthy ingredients needed for healthy living.
Lime water or nimbu pani is a perfect dose to improve digestion and for the circulation system.If you add honey to lime water and warm water it can be a solution to controlling cold and cough.
Boil water with black pepper,add cumin and jaggery to it.It will give you relief from chest congestion.
It is not common home remedy to fight a cold and cough,But carrot juice helps to fight a cough.It may be unconventional but it makes an interesting drink.Drink to prevent cough and reap the benefits of carrot juice.


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