Encourage the whole family to eat breakfast.Get your Children involved in preparation and packing of healthy school lunches.Make sure you keep healthy snacks in pantry.Choose water and milk as drinks most of the time.Avoid sweetened drinks such as cordial,soft drinks and fruit juice.
Prepare and store your food safely.Encourage your child to choose healthy foods.Use positive terms to refer to healthy food,for example,"I love eating crunchy green beans". Set a good example as parents.Avoid bribing your child with food.
Breakfast is the most important time for healthy eating.Children function better when they begin the day with a nutritious meal.
Allow toddlers to touch and feel their food.This is part of the learning experience and helps develop a positive attitude to a nutritious diet which in turn promotes healthy eating habits.
Have a visible bowl of fruit available for your children.Healthy eating habits wills increase if fruits and vegetables are the closest option available when your children are hungry.
Children loves to play in water.Encourage activities such as splashing in a wading pool,spider walking around the pool edge,noodle rides,jumping waves,running through the sprinkler,and water tag.Make sure you supervise young children at all times when playing in or around water.
Snack time at school should be exciting for your children.Healthy eating can become a treat if you provide a range of textures and colours in their food.Children respond to new and exciting sensations.Provide them with an assortment of colours such as slices of cheese,apple,carrot,watermelon,grapes,and strawberries.
Use avocado as a substitute to butter in your children's sandwiches or dried biscuits and always try to include a vegetable in their sandwiches
Make sure children are sitting down while they eat and not moving around.