Avoid smoking smoking reduce life expectancy by 15-25 years.If you are a smoker,you are twice more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker.The moment you stop smoking,the risk of heart attack begins to reduce.
Cut down on salt-Too much salt can cause high blood pressure,which increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease.Watch your diet-Try to have a balanced diet.Eat fresh fruits and vegetables,starch foods such as wholegrain bread and rice.
Monitor your alcohol-too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle,increase blood pressure and also lead to weight gain.Avoid intake of alcohol or at least limit it to one to two units a day,gradually decreasing the consumption
Get active-At least aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day.Keeping yourself fit not only benefits the heart but also improves mental health and well-being.Monitor your BP,blood sugar and cholesterol levels-Routine medical check-ups will ring an alarm,if you need medical help.Manage your stress level-if you find things are getting on top of you,you may fail to eat properly,smoke and drink too much.This may increase your risk of a heart attack.Practice yoga/meditation.Take a vacation.
Laughter is the best therapy-Laughter anytime will work wonders for you.It is an instant way to unleash the pressure and it makes you feel light.
Eat fish at least twice a week.Keeping your blood pressure,blood sugar,cholesterol,and triglycerides in check are important for good heart health.Almonds,walnuts,pecans,and other tree nuts deliver a powerful punch for lowering your risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease.
Aerobics activities may be the star players in fitness for a healthy heart,but strength training needs to be part of the team.Its effect on weight control is awesome-more muscle mass means burning more calories.
Healthy Heart Tips
By amazonmessages at February 22, 2016
Health Tips
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