
Showing posts from March, 2016

Bharadvaja's Twist

Bharadvajasana Yoga Meaning of name: (bah-ROD-va-JAHS-anna).Bharadvaja=one of seven legendary seers,credited with composing the hymns collected in the vedas. Short descriptions: This gentle twist is a tonic for the spine and the abdominal organs. Step by Step: (1) Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.Shift over legs onto your right buttock,bend your knees,and swing your legs to the left.Lay your feet on the floor outside your left ankle resting in the right arch. (2) Inhale and lift through the top of the sternum to lengthen the  front torso.Then exhale and twist your torso to the right,keeping the left buttock on or very close to the floor.Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor to keep the lower back long soften the belly. (3) Tuck your left hand under your right knee and bring your right hand to the floor just beside your right buttock pull your left shoulder blades firmly against your back even as you continue to twist the chest to t


Baked Eggs In Avocado with Guacamole The Presentation on these is just superb,So you'll be able to break them out once you need to impress nightlong guests.The avocado acts as associate degree ingredient,and the peel acts a ship to carry it all at once.You get a decent dose of healthy fat from the avocado,and macro molecule from the egg.Served with a facet of multi grain or whole wheat toast this is often an entire meal that may most undoubtedly hold you over till lunch. Ingredients: (1) one Avocado (2) 2 Eggs (3) 1/2 medium Tomato,diced (4) a pair of Tbsp White Onion,Chopped (5) one clove,minced (6) one tsp juice (7) ocean salt to style Directions: (1) heat up kitchen appliance to 450 (2) Cut the avocado in 0.5 and take away perdition.Scoop out enough flesh remaining within the take leave the avocado and reserve in a very little bowl.Score the remaining avocado flesh crosswise and lengthwise,not cutting the peel. (3) Crack AN egg into


Chair Pose/Utkatasana Meaning of Name (OOT-kah-TAHS-anna) utkata=powerful,fierce Short descriptions: Chair Pose clearly works the muscles of the arms and legs,but it also stimulates the diaphragm and heart. Step by Step (1) Stand in Tadasana Inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the floor Either keep the arms parallel,palms facing inward,or join the palms. (2) Exhale and bend your knees,trying to take the thighs as nearly parallel to the floor as possible.The Knees will project out over the feet,and the torso will lean slightly forward over the thighs.until the front torso forms approximately a right angle with the tops of the thighs keep the inner thighs parallel to each other and press the heads of the thigh bones down toward the heels. (3) Firm your shoulder blades against the back.Take your tailbone down toward the floor and in toward your pubis to keep the lower back long (4) Stay for 30 seconds to a minute To come out of this pose straighten

Guided Meditation

  BIG MIND MEDITATION Short descriptions: Quieting the mind doesn't have to mean shushing your many inner voices By letting them have their say,you can discover the all-encompassing stillness of Big Mind. Step By Step: If you Have a regular meditation  routine,do a minute or two of it to get grounded and comfortable, and maintain your usual posture if you're new to meditation,find a comfortable     upright position (sitting in a chair is sufficient).Take a few deep breaths,and relax as much as you can set aside 25 minutes for the entire practice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From your relaxed meditation position.ask yourself to speak with your Controller.(you'll probably feel a bit strange speaking to yourself this way.but you're simply giving voice to the running dialogue that already exists inside your head).The controller is essentially your'

how to get rid of a sore throat

 how to get rid of a sore throat Try Hot lemonade with honey.Mix the juice from half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of warm water.Sip it slowly. Heat water until it,s warm,but not hot.Thoroughly mix in salt.Gargle.Repeat 3 throughout the day as needed. Add one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and black pepper powder to a glass of warm water.You may also add cardamom.Strain the solution and gargle with it.Do this once daily for a week to get complete relief. Mix one-quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm water.Drink it slowly in the morning on an empty stomach.Do this once daily for three or four days. Mix one tsp black pepper powder and 1 tsp dry ginger powder in 1 tablespoon honey.This has to be had twice a day. Place 1 piece of garlic in each cheek,and suck on it like a cough drop.Occasionally crush your teeth against it to release the Alicia-there,no need to actually bite it.Try this once daily. Boil tulsi/basil leaves in water a

Stuffy Nose

Natural way to cure Runny Nose Description: Honey and Lime: Add one tablespoon of honey and 2-3 drops of fresh lime-juice in one cup of water.Drink this solution once heat.Honey will relieve a fluid nose and cough as well.                                         Salt Treatment: Get a cup of warm water and place two tablespoons of salt in it,then breath in the steam.The steam removes secretions and helps in getting the mucose out. Ginger: chewing ginger is a great fluid nose treatment.It drains the nose and maintains normal  body temperature. Menthol steam: Get a bowl of hot steaming water and then add lotion and inhale the steam slowly.For best results try admixture lotion with eucalyptus and tea tree oil Inhale steam Get a Massage: Massage your nose bridge gently.Using your thumb and index finger;apply a soft up and down stroke on the bridge of your nose,until you area unit ready to breath straightforward. A hot cup of chamomile tea is thought of together o

Effective natural remedy for Mouth Ulcers

Effective natural remedy for Mouth Ulcers Description Chew a few leaves if tulsi beside some water about 3 to fourfold everyday.This will facilitate the Ulcers get away quicker and even have a preventive action against their repetition. Honey is a natural element-that is,it helps  to retain moisture and forestall dehydration.It also helps cut back scarring and hastens the method of latest tissue growth.This,along with its anti-microbial impact ensures quicker healing of the mouth lesion.You can either dab very little|a bit|a trifle|to a small degree|somewhat|slightly|a little} honey onto the mouth lesion or combine in a very little turmeric to form a paste that may be applied to the affected space. Dry coconut,coconut oil and coconut milk area unit the 3 product of the palm that are terribly helpful in treating mouth ulcers.Drinking tender coconut water  helps to chill the body down.Applying a little oil directly onto the mouth lesion or chew some coconut helps to cut back p

How To cure Asthma

Asthma Description Boil 10 to fifteen cloves of garlic in simple fraction cup of milk.Drink this once a day.You can additionally build a garlic tea by adding 3 to four cloves of garlic to a pot of predicament and material possession it steep for 5 minutes.Allow it to cool to temperature then drink it. Add caption Wash Three dried figs and soak them in a cup of water long.In the morning,eat the soaked figs and drink the fig water on an empty abdomen.Hit some mustard oil with a little natural resin and gently  massage it into the chest and upper back.Do this several times each day till the symptoms subside. Mix equal quantities of ginger juice,pomegranate juice and honey.Consume one tablespoon of this mixture two or 3 times each day. Just place a few drops of essential oil on a towel and keep it your head once sleeping in order that you breath within the aroma.You can additionally place 2 to a few drops of essential oil during a pot of boiling water and breaths for quicke

Back Pain

Applying an ice pack to the painful area within 24 hours of an injury can help keep inflammation to a minimum and ease discomfort by decreasing the ability of nerves to send pain signals to the brain.Place ice cubes in a plastic bag,then apply the bag on top of a thin towel that has been placed  on the skin.Leave the ice pack on for 20 minutes,take it off for 30 minutes,then replace it for another 20 minutes. Ginger root,which is used to cure Vomiting,can also be used in the treatment of back pain.The anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger can give you relief from a backache.Apply some ginger paste on the affected area,followed by eucalyptus oil.Cut thin slices of fresh ginger root and put them in a pan of boiling water.Simmer and boil it on low heat for about 30 minutes.Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and strain it.Add honey and then drink can also make of black pepper corns,one-half teaspoon of cloves and one teaspoon of ginger powder. Basil leaves can also

Hair growth

Dark green vegetables are top among foods for healthy hair as they are an excellent source of vitamins A and C,which your body needs to produce sebum.Sebum is an oily secretion by hair follicles,Which is the body's natural hair conditioner. Nuts like almonds and walnut have protein,Iron and Vitamin E,all of which are vital for hair growth. Vitamin E strengthens the hair roots and prevents hair fall.Chicken too contains high amounts of good quality protein and iron,which like in the case of nuts are important for hair growth. Another great source of protein,eggs have a positive effect on hair growth and eating it should be a key tip for hair care.Eggs also contain biotin and vitamin B-12 both of which are good nutrients For beauty in general. Calcium is an essential mineral for hair growth,and hence milk too joins the group of foods for healthy hair.Foods for healthy hair must necessarily include food that contains Omega 3  Fatty acids.They are needed for the nourishment