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Stuffy Nose

Natural way to cure Runny Nose


Honey and Lime:Add one tablespoon of honey and 2-3 drops of fresh lime-juice in one cup of water.Drink this solution once heat.Honey will relieve a fluid nose and cough as well.

Salt Treatment:Get a cup of warm water and place two tablespoons of salt in it,then breath in the steam.The steam removes secretions and helps in getting the mucose out.
Ginger:chewing ginger is a great fluid nose treatment.It drains the nose and maintains normal 
body temperature.

Menthol steam:Get a bowl of hot steaming water and then add lotion and inhale the steam slowly.For best results try admixture lotion with eucalyptus and tea tree oil
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Inhale steam
Get a Massage:Massage your nose bridge gently.Using your thumb and index finger;apply a soft up and down stroke on the bridge of your nose,until you area unit ready to breath straightforward.
A hot cup of chamomile tea is thought of together of the beat home remedies for unconditioned reflex caused by allergies.It has excellent medicinal drug properties that may offer instant relief.
Garlic can simply fight off Associate in Nursing higher respiratory tract infection thanks to its natural antibiotic and antiviral properties.It can be used internally or outwardly to induce relief from excessive unconditioned reflex caused by a standard cold infection.Crush four to five garlic cloves to create a fine paste and than inhale it's 
strong fragrance.This will facilitate clear the nasal passages that cause unconditioned reflex and assist you to breath with ease.

 Drinking hot water for the times once you are stricken by cold helps you to beat running nose.

Take a hot shower and inhale the steam while in the shower.The hot steam should free your nose and it's totally effective thanks to kill the viruses inflicting the fluid nose.

Bitter gourd has medicinal properties and is used in treating unconditioned reflex to a good extent.Soak about five to six bitter gourd leaves in water for a few time.Remove the gourds from the water,Squeeze them and add a little little bit of heat water to create juice.You can add some honey to the mixture if you prefer.Drinking this on a regular basis will facilitate get ride of unconditioned reflex iatrogenic by colds and seasonal allergies.

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