how to get rid of a sore throat
Try Hot lemonade with honey.Mix the juice from half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of warm water.Sip it slowly.
Heat water until it,s warm,but not hot.Thoroughly mix in salt.Gargle.Repeat 3 throughout the day as needed.
Add one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and black pepper powder to a glass of warm water.You may also add cardamom.Strain the solution and gargle with it.Do this once daily for a week to get complete relief.
Mix one-quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm water.Drink it slowly in the morning on an empty stomach.Do this once daily for three or four days.
Mix one tsp black pepper powder and 1 tsp dry ginger powder in 1 tablespoon honey.This has to be had twice a day.
Place 1 piece of garlic in each cheek,and suck on it like a cough drop.Occasionally crush your teeth against it to release the Alicia-there,no need to actually bite it.Try this once daily.
Boil tulsi/basil leaves in water and drink that water.Alternatively,gargle with that water while it,s warm.Add one tablespoon of dried marshmallow root to one cup of boiling water and steep it for about half an hour.Strain the solution,add some honey and drink it.Add one to two tablespoons of honey
To of one cup of water and drink it several times a day.You can also add honey to your favorite cup of herbal tea.Add one teaspoon of the inner bark of slippery elm to two cups of boiling water.Let
it sleep for a few minutes,and then strain the solution.Drink it slowly while it is still warm.
Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey to a cup of warm water and drink it slowly.Do this two or three times a day.Soon you will get relief from the pain and inflammation.
Add two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds to six cups of water.Boil it for about half an hour.Allow it to come to room temperature and then strain it.Gargle with this solution three or four times a day.