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Guided Meditation


Short descriptions:

Quieting the mind doesn't have to mean shushing your many inner voices By letting them have their say,you can discover the all-encompassing stillness of Big Mind.

Step By Step:

  • If you Have a regular meditation  routine,do a minute or two of it to get grounded and comfortable, and maintain your usual posture if you're new to meditation,find a comfortable     upright position (sitting in a chair is sufficient).Take a few deep breaths,and relax as much as you can set aside 25 minutes for the entire practice.
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  • From your relaxed meditation position.ask yourself to speak with your Controller.(you'll probably feel a bit strange speaking to yourself this way.but you're simply giving voice to the running dialogue that already exists inside your head).The controller is essentially your's job,as its name implies,is to control you've likely met and probably struggle with this aspect of yourself.
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  • Ask the Controller about its job,then probe further and ask what it controls-your actions.Your thoughts,other people?This is neither  good nor bad,the controller is just doing its job. A key component of the Big mind process is gaining the controller's the ego's-cooperation and not threatening it with annihilation,as spiritual training often does.
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  • Once you gain the controller's trust,you can raise it for permission to talk together with your alternative voices,the ego is sometimes glad to quickly step aside if it's been consulted.
  • Next up is that the intellectual Before asking the Controller to talk with the intellectual,however take a deep breath,when you shift into another voice,it's smart to allow the mental movement a physical correlation.
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  • Let the intellectual be what it's.It's OK that a district of you is skeptical,it's truly an honest issue. if you did not have a skeptical voice,you might end up frequently being hoodwinked.Ask the intellectual what it's doubts regarding.
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  • Now take a breath and raise to talk with seeking Mind.Shift over to the present new voice meditators typically have a tangle with seeking mind,they want to urge eliminate it,because it creates such a lot want.But Seeking Mind is doing,what it's meant to try to to it's useful to recollect that while not it,you might not be meditating within the initial place.
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  • Take another breath and shift to Nonseeking  Mind Nonseeking Mind is that the state of meditation.There is obscurity to travel,nothing to try to to once more,this is neither smart nor dangerous.Nonseeking  Mind merely does not look for Explore Nonseeking Mind.
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  • Take an instant here to note however simple or onerous it's to shift from one voice to a different.Moving among your totally different selves helps you understand the empty nature of the self-that is,you have no static identity,you are frequently ever-changing you would possibly suppose your identity is ready in stone( i'm back.I am angry.I am spiritual),but these ar simply voices floating in area,they're not you you are abundant larger than you think that.
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  • Now take a breath and shift into huge Mind.This is that the voice that contains all the opposite voices.It is proverbial by varied names the bottom of being.Buddha Mind,Universal Mind.God,By its terribly nature,it has no starting and without stopping.There is nothing outside of massive mind.But huge mind could be a voice within you huge Mind's Job.You could say,is just to be.
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  • Ask huge Mind what it will and does not contain does not it contain your birth?your folks birth?your death?Can you discover its starting or end?Does it contain your alternative voices?Hoe will it see your daily problems?
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  • Stay in huge Mind for as long as you'll during this state,you have given your personal ego(with its permission)to your true and universal nature.
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  • Next,find your voices of massive Heart.Explore what it will for you et al..Its Job is to be compassionate.How will it respond once somebody or one thing is hurting?Does it take the from of robust love or tender nurturing or both?Does it have any limits once featured with suffering?Sit with this voice for a short while. 

  • Now Shift back to Nonseeking Mind and stick with it for some minute to finish the meditation.Though you would possibly wish to remain in huge mind forever,the simple reality is that no single voice is that the stopping place,there is no stopping place.Continually operating with and acceptive all of your voices can,in turn,help you settle for the myriad voices of others.Once learned,the big Mind method is used at any time throughout meditation observe or throughout the day.If you are feeling significantly angry throughout meditation,you can connect with Angry self,let it have its say,and go into Nonseeking Mind or huge Mind.Play together with your varied voices and see what you'll notice.

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