
Chair Pose/Utkatasana

Meaning of Name


Short descriptions:

Chair Pose clearly works the muscles of the arms and legs,but it also stimulates the diaphragm and heart.

Step by Step

(1) Stand in Tadasana Inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the floor Either keep the arms parallel,palms facing inward,or join the palms.

(2) Exhale and bend your knees,trying to take the thighs as nearly parallel to the floor as possible.The Knees will project out over the feet,and the torso will lean slightly forward over the thighs.until the front torso forms approximately a right angle with the tops of the thighs keep the inner thighs parallel to each other and press the heads of the thigh bones down toward the heels.

(3) Firm your shoulder blades against the back.Take your tailbone down toward the floor and in toward your pubis to keep the lower back long

(4) Stay for 30 seconds to a minute To come out of this pose straighten your knees with an inhalation,lifting strongly through the arms.Exhale and release your arms to your  sides into Tadasana.

Beginner's Tip

To help you stay in this pose,perform it near a wall stand with your back to the wall,a few inches away from the wall.Adjust your position relative to the wall  so that when you bend into the position,your tailbone just touches and is supported by the wall.

Contraindications and cautions

Low blood pressure

Anatomical Focus


Therapeutic Applications

Flat feet


You can increase the strength of your thighs by squeezing a block or thick book between them during the pose.


As you bend your knees,lift up onto the balls of your feet and sit your buttocks down on your raised heels.Extend your arms forward,parallel to each other and the floor,palms down or facing inward.

Preparatory Poses

Adho Mukha Svanasana


A partner can use either hands or feet to press your heels firmly into the ground.

Deepen the pose

The secret to a comfortable stay in utkatasana is the release of the heads of the thigh bones toward the heels.Once in the pose,bring your hands to your tops thighs.Nestle the bases of your palms into the creases of the groins and push the heads of thighs toward the heels,digging the heels deep into the floor.Against these actions,lift the sitting bones up into the pelvis.


Strengthens the ankles,thighs,calves,and spine.
Stretches shoulders and chest.
Stimulates the abdominal organs,diaphragm,
and heart Reduce Flat feet....


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