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Hair growth

Dark green vegetables are top among foods for healthy hair as they are an excellent source of vitamins A and C,which your body needs to produce sebum.Sebum is an oily secretion by hair follicles,Which is the body's natural hair conditioner.
Nuts like almonds and walnut have protein,Iron and Vitamin E,all of which are vital for hair growth.
Vitamin E strengthens the hair roots and prevents hair fall.Chicken too contains high amounts of good quality protein and iron,which like in the case of nuts are important for hair growth.
Another great source of protein,eggs have a positive effect on hair growth and eating it should be a key tip for hair care.Eggs also contain biotin and vitamin B-12 both of which are good nutrients
For beauty in general.
Calcium is an essential mineral for hair growth,and hence milk too joins the group of foods for healthy hair.Foods for healthy hair must necessarily include food that contains Omega 3 
Fatty acids.They are needed for the nourishment of the scalp,which is a foundation for hair care
and hair growth.Several nuts and some fruits like Avocado too fall into this basket of food.Flax seed
and olive oil are two other great sources of Omega 3 fatty acid.
Oysters are rich in Zinc,a lack of which can lead to hair loss as well as a dry,flaky scalp.Besides being rich in protein and vitamin D the Omega-3 fatty acids found in this tasty cold-water fish
are the true superstar.Your body needs to grow hair.
Sweet potatoes are a great source of the antioxidant beta carotene,which your body turns into vitamin A .Carrots,Cantaloupe,mangoes,pumpkin,and apricots are all good sources of beta carotene.The iron,beta carotene,and vitamin C in Spinach help keep hair follicles healthy and scalp oils circulating.Try similarly nutrient-rich dark,leafy vegetables such as broccoil,kale,and Swiss chard.

Lentils-tiny but mighty,these legumes are teeming with protein,iron,zinc,and biotin,says Fishman,making it a great staple for vegetarian,vegans,and meat eaters.

Beef has all the possible nutrients that your hair needs for its up keep.The presence of protein,Vitamin B,iron,zinc,and other vital minerals will help to maintain the health of your scalp and hair.
Whole grains are rich in nutrients and fibers.This promotes hair growth and makes it a super food for healthy hair.Blueberries-This super fruit is loaded with vitamin C,which helps in oxygen circulation to the scalp and hair follicles,and prevents hair breakage.
Green tea-The presence of polyphenols helps in keeping your scalp healthy.If your scalp is healthy,then the overall health of your hair improves,as it helps to keep your hair shiny and dandruff free.

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