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Health Tips For Children

A healthy breakfast is very important for school going children as breakfast improves their concentration and performance in school.

The calcium requirement for children is higher than that for adults.Ensure that your child has at least 2-3 servings of milk and milk products everyday.

Children should never be reprimanded for their curiosity.Things should be explained to them in a simple manner instead.
A balanced diet,rich in proteins,along with sports like swimming,basketball,and volleyball,can help children grow taller.

young children have small stomachs that tend to fill up food guide serving of a food group can be divided up into smaller amounts and served throughout the day.
Don't restrict nutritious foods because of their fat content.offer a variety of nutritious foods,including some choices that contain fat (like milk,peanut butter,and avocado) 

Satisfy thirst with water.Encourage your children to drink water to quench their thirst and replenish body fluids.

Cleaning kids 'ears:Everyone's ears produce wax but excess wax gets dried up and comes out on its own.Do not use ear buds to clean your child's ears as you may damage the eardrum;
Instead,use a wash cloth dipped in warm water to wipe the outside of the ears
And also behind them.

If your child sucks his thumb or rubs his eyes habitually ,gently remove his thumb or fingers from the spot and distract him with his favourite toy or book.
 Wearing clean underwear:In hot weather or when the child is physically active,
Underwear may be required to be changed twice day.

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