Everyday Healthy Breakfast make you Healthy and keep strong all day.
It increase your nutrition label.You can do yoga stay at your Home.
Yoga is effective Home remedies for many disease.
Maintain daily routine such as Get Up early in morning,Exercise,Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner and sleep. Routine is important factor in healthy life.
Eat baked or steamed food instead of fire food.Do not take more oily foods.
Meditation and yoga is helpful for healthy life.Do meditation and yoga.
Use clean water and soft clothe for cleaning the skin.
Drink 8-10 Glasses of water a day.
Add movement to your life.Park further so you between the car and the stores, take steps instead of elevators,and take longer routes to your desk. Think positively.
Take time to relax.Allow yourself to destress at once a day.
Sleep 6-10 hours a night(or until you are well rested)
Wash your hands often.minimally wash hands before eating and after using the restroom.
Eat a large variety of fresh produce or supplement your Diet with vitamins and minerals.
Eat vegetables every day.Vegetables provide vitamins,minerals,and fiber. Many are known to prevent various diseases including cancer.
Drink water before,during and after exercise.Thirst lags behind your body's need for water. So drink water early and often.
Laugh.Let humor enter your life.one of the easiest ways of being healthier is to find a way to relax more and have more fun.
Find a way to bring joy into your life.Treat yourself to long baths or help a neighbor. Find a way to smile and help others smile.
Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up.
Neurobics for your mind.Get your brain fizzing with energy. - Get smelly.Garlic,onions,spring onions and leeks all contain stuff that's good for you.
Healthy Heart TipsAvoid smoking smoking reduce life expectancy by 15-25 years.If you are a smoker,you are twice more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker.The moment you stop smoking,the risk of heart attack begins to reduce.
Cut d…Read More
Health Tips For WomanDevelop a healthy eating habit and include more fresh food,green leafy vegetables,
And food rich in fiber,shoots,seeds and cereals in your diet.
Increase your protein intake and also have more of carbohydrate in your Die…Read More
Tips For IT ProfessionalsDrink water-drink plenty of water.It helps reduce puffiness.When a person is dehydrated,especially in an air-conditioned office the body starts storing water as a defense mechanism.This adds to puffiness around the eyes.
Sp…Read More
Tips For Diabets PatientsCook with olive oil instead of butter or vegetable oil.Trim any visible fat off of meat before cooking and remove the skin before cooking chicken and Turkey
Instead of frying,choose to grill,broil,bake,or stir-fry.Add avoca…Read More
Yoga TipsYoga's primary goal is peace of mind-a fit body,increased flexibility,and improved health are just fortunate side effects.Approach yoga with a sense of joy and fun.Smile at your teacher and fellow students;They could probably…Read More