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 Menstrual Blood Problems: Clots, Color, and Thickness

If your blood varies in color and consistency throughout your monthly amount, it's doubtless that it's absolutely traditional. There area unit times, though, once changes in color, thickness, or action might indicate a drag.

You might feel embarrassed asking your health care supplier regarding blood issues, however it's vital.

What happens during a menstrual period, and how long does it last?

 During your oscillation, the liner of your womb thickens to induce prepared for physiological condition. Then, throughout your amount, your body sheds the womb lining together with blood. the quantity of blood and fluid lost is typically between four and twelve teaspoons every cycle.
The average oscillation lasts twenty eight days (counting from the primary day of haemorrhage to the primary day of following cycle). for a few ladies, though, cycles may be as short as twenty one days. For others, they'll be as long as thirty five days.
A normal amount lasts between 2 and 7 days. the typical length of your time for a amount is 3 to 5 days.

Are clots and thicker menstrual blood unusual during a period?

 Many women have clots in their menorrhea from time to time. The clots could also be bright red or dark in color. Often, these clots area unit shed on the heaviest days of harm. The presence of multiple clots in your flow might build your menorrhea appear thick or denser than usual.

Your body usually releases anticoagulants to stay menorrhea from natural process as it's being free. however once your amount is significant and blood is being quickly expelled, there is not enough time for anticoagulants to figure. that allows clots to create.

Are darker colors and thicker flows normal in menstrual blood?

If you have got excessive natural process or clots larger than 1 / 4, you must see your health care supplier to rule out associate  conditions that may be inflicting an abnormal amount.

 You may notice that your blood becomes dark brown or nearly black as you close to the tip of your amount. this can be a standard color modification. It happens once the blood is older and not being expelled from the body quickly.

Temporary thick, serious flow is not essentially cause for concern. However, regular serious periods justify a visit to the doctor to visualize your blood counts. many ladies become conversant in serious periods, considering them to be traditional. Over time, though, the surplus monthly blood loss results in anemia, doubtless inflicting weakness or fatigue. If you ever feel something's not right together with your amount, see your health care supplier.

When should I see a doctor for menstrual bleeding problems

Menstrual haemorrhage issues area unit seldom serious. important blood loss will occur over time, though, going unremarked as a result of it is so gradual. See your doctor if you expertise any of the following: