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Benefits of Butterfly Yoga

Baddha Konsana/Bound Angle Pose

Meaning of name:

(Bah-dah cone-AHS-anna)baddha=boundkona=angle

Short descriptions:

Bound Angle create is a superb groin and hip-opener.

Step by Step:

(1) Sit together with your legs straight enter front of you,raising your pelvis on a blanket.If your hips or groins area unit tight Exhale,bend your knees,pull your heels toward your pelvis,then drop your knees intent on the perimeters and and press the soles of your feet along.

(2) Bring your heels as near your pelvis,as you well will.With the primary and second finger and thumb,grasp the massive toe of every foot.Always keep the outer edges of the feet firmly on the ground.If it's not potential to carry the toes,clasp every hand round the same-side ankle joint or shin.

(3) Sit so the os ahead and therefore the tailbone in back area unit equal from the ground.The area then are roughly parallel to the ground and therefore the pelvis in an exceedingly neutral position.Firm the bone and shoulder blades against the rear and lengthen the front trunk through the highest of the breastbone.

(4) ne'er force your force down.Instead unleash the heads of the thigh bones toward the ground.When this action leads,the knees follow.

(5) keep during this create anyplace from one to five minutes.Then inhale,lift your knees far from the ground,and extend the legs back to their original position. 

Beginner's Tip:

It is troublesome to lower the knees toward the ground.If your knees area unit terribly high and your back rounded,be sure to sit down on a high support,even as high as a foot off the ground

Contraindications and cautions:

Groin or knee injury solely perform this create with blanket support underneath the outer thighs

Anatomical Focus:


Therapeutic Applications:


Modifications and Props:

To understand the discharge of the heads of the thigh bones,fold 2 blankets and place.One underneath every outer thigh,supporting the thighs an in. some higher than their most stretch.Then lay a 10-pound sand bag on every inner groin,parallel to the crease between the thigh and pelvis.Release the thigh heads far from the load,and allow them to sink into the blankets.Do not use the luggage unless the thigh area unit supported.


Exhale and lean your trunk forward between the knees.Remember to come back forward from the hip joints,not the waist Bend your elbows and push them against the inner thigh or calves (but ne'er on the knees) If your head does not rest well on the ground,support it on a block or the front fringe of a chair seat.

Follow-up Poses:

Standing poses and most sitting twists and forward bends.

Preparatory Poses:

Supta PadangusthasanaVirasanaVrksasana


A partner will assist you find out how to figure the inner thighs during this create perform Baddha Konasana.Loop a strap over every groin,with the free ends of the straps leading far from your back trunk.Have your partner sit behind you and pull on the straps (perpendicular to the road of the thighs)Your partner also can press one foot gently against the rear of your pelvis at the straps.


(1) Stimulates abdominal organs,ovaries and prostate,bladder,and kidneys.

(2) Stimulates the center and improves general circulation.

(3) Stretches the inner thighs,groins,and knees.

(4) Helps relieve gentle depression,anxiety,and fatigue.

(5) Soothes emission discomfort and neuralgia .Helps relieve the symptoms of biological time.

(6) Therapeutic for flat feet ,high force per unit area,infertility,and asthma.

(7) Consistent observe of this create till late into gestation is alleged to assist ease birthing.

(8) ancient texts say that Baddha konasana destroys unwellness and gets obviate fatigue.

Deepen The Pose:

Imagine you have got 2 partners,each pressing inward (toward the pelvis)on a knee.From the center of your bone,push out on the outer thighs against this inaginary resistance.Then push the heels firmly along from the knees.

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